Educational Material for the Client Meridian Health Services uses the B.E.S.T. system, a computerized bioenergetic health testing system that allows us to accurately conduct an interview with the body. Also called Electrodermal screening, it is an assessment of the many energy meridians of the body and the organs and structures located along those meridians.
Dr. Voll, a German physician discovered and developed this technique in the late 40’s and called it Electro Acupuncture (EAV) according to Voll. Using the MSA21, a voltmeter, the system reads a galvanic skin response through the Chinese acupuncture meridian points located on the hands and feet. These points are more electrically conductive than other surrounding tissue and they are connected by pathways or meridians. Each meridian is associated with a different organ or anatomical component of the body. Electrodermal screening evaluates the energetic condition of different organs and systems, indicating the presence or absence of imbalance.
The meridian theory is the study of the physiological functions and changes along the meridians and the related organs. Meridians are also known as ‘sensory neurological pathways.’ The function of the meridian system is to transport energy and blood, to maintain conductivity, and to resist invasion of external factors that contribute to disease. The endless circulation of energy and blood in the meridians is responsible for the maintenance of life and the variety of functions that support it. Blockage of energy in any of the meridians causes system imbalance and predisposes the body to disease. The meridian theory has been the guiding principle for the clinical practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The electrodermal test provides us with a measurement of your individual energetic and organ profile. There are no needles or puncturing of the skin. A low level electric stimulus is passed through the body while the client holds a brass handle in one hand. A reading is taken for each point and stored in the computer. We can also test for and determine the body’s electrical reaction to many of the stress-producing substances and influences of
modern day living.
By using an extensive data base of over 10,000 items, we ask the body what its needs are in relation to the effects of environmental irritants, food stimuli, heavy metals, drugs, chemical toxicity, molds, fungi, dental problems and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Your body’s response to these elements is shown on the MSA21 with readings ranging between 0 and 100. Readings in the 45-55 range suggest balance in that point and meridian. Readings above 55 show excessive energy and suggest inflammation or sensitivity. Readings below 45 demonstrate reduced energy, weakness, a chronic condition or organ degeneration.
Accurate and professional interpretation of the results of the test are most important and are offered after the test is completed. An assessment of nutrition conditions and the treatment of nutrition – related disorders is based on your individual biochemical metabolism. The analysis may involve the introduction and implementation of food and dietary programs, vitamin, mineral, and botanical supplementation, detoxification programs, or acupuncture, as well as energy and body work. Many conditions are related to improper or incomplete digestion and elimination, and result in nutritional deficiencies.
Allergies can also be a result of this mechanism. The purpose of bioenergetic testing is to provide us with a profile of your present condition. We can use the test results and the results of a nutritional analysis as a guideline to develop an individualized program that will enable you to become increasingly involved with and responsible for your health.
Contact Us
- Steve Stewart PhD DNM DHS PSc.D.
- The Chiropractic Health And Wellness Centre
- 919 Oxford St. East, London, Ontario N5Y 3J9
- 519-457-7171